Pictures 2
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These are some more pictures
Yea, so here are some more pictures...

Brittany and Kurt
Don't mess with us or you'll wake up wet in a tent! Haha, rock on campin' buddy!

Trishy is so cool! She doesn't mind when I give her a bazillion hugs!!!
Phil's Dirty!!!!!!!
Aaah...another relaxing day in Mrs. Minner's class...haha. Phil wouldn't let me take a good picture of him, so grr!!
Here I am!
Ok, this is me. Please, hold your applause.

i have badass eyes! and that's about it...well...i DO have REALLY nice boobs, but those pics are saved under "Personal" so yea
haha. this picture is so sexy. haha. not
Sexy me
I look so hot in this picture! No really...