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These are some pictures of my friends!
There will be more pictures once I get off my lazy ass and take more pictures. Mmmkay?

Ian is my best friend. He's really cool!
Sydnie has fake Chuck Taylors! *neigh*
Math class sucks as we all know, but it's better with a camera, don't ya think?
Nikole is really cool. We talk to eachother in little kid British accents. It's funny! Hehe
Friends at pillars
I was trying to get a picture of erin without her noticing b/c then she wouldn't let me...but anyways! These are some cool people who hang out at the pillars! The one flipping off the camera would be my sister, Rachel.
More pillars!
Yet another futile attempt at capturing the beauty of Rin on camera.
Ben w/ pink mohawk
I've known Ben since Forest Dale...he was the preppiest guy EVER! Haha, now he has a mohawk, who knew?